Time tracking software: optimize HR data collection

Time tracking system : time and attendance digital tool for the field. Designed for the construction sector.

Data collection is a key challenge for HR departments, who require reliable and up-to-date data in order to manage their workers’ payroll, analyse activities, generate reports and make informed decisions.

For companies with a large number of mobile workers, this HR management requires the centralisation of a large volume of data. To optimize recording of hours, as well as centralising and processing them, digital time and attendance software has a role to play.

Software for tracking and recording hours: 1st step in time management

The first step of time management is data collection.

In order to provide the HR department with reliable data about the hours worked, it is vital to be equipped with an efficient and effective data capture tool. For mobile teams, a time tracking application will be the solution most suited to recording hours.

This mobile time tracking solution can be integrated with other technology, such as clock-in machines (RFID, mechanical, biometric, virtual, etc.), as is often the case in the construction sector.

In addition to offering mobile time tracking, a site time tracking application is able to meet the particular needs of the field (offline mode, recording site codes, etc.).

Whatever the sector, the important thing is to choose a digital time tracking software solution that is designed to enable optimal recording of hours, even on sites or for mobile maintenance teams.

Time tracking process with a digital time tracking tool

Efficient time tracking software,
what is it?

  • Quick and easy inputting in the field
  • Information uploaded in real time
  • Customised validation process
  • Reliable data integrated into your management software

Eliminate duplication: the role of digital time tracking software

The latest HR surveys are conclusive: HR managers still spend too much time on time-consuming administrative tasks. Among them, repeated data inputting is a source of frustration and human error.

Though traditionally widely used, Excel or paper timesheets require onerous and time-consuming processing, as well as being open to missing, incorrect or late information.

Digital time tracking software eliminates the need for Excel or paper. HR management of the hours worked becomes greatly improved: data that is reliable, detailed and validated arrives into their HR management software in real time.

Managing time tracking with the help of an integrated time tracking software solution leads to a reduction in the pressure on HR managers and, in particular, payroll managers.

The integration of the solution into its digital environment is essential, in order to benefit from fully digital time and activity management. The management of work time is then facilitated, from initial data capture through to payroll management.

Analysis of HR data in real time by using time tracking software

As well as enabling optimal time recording, digital time tracking software will also allow analysis of the collected data in real time. This represents a considerable advantage for HR departments.

Anomalies in time tracking, abnormal absenteeism rates… HR managers are alerted in real time, which leads to unprecedented reactivity.

The integration of time tracking data into HR dashboards facilitates optimal data visualisation by highlighting the HR performance indicators (or KPI, Key Performance Indicators) of the company.

RH indicators with a time tracking software

Obtain a clear overview of your HR indicators

  • Monitoring hours worked by type of hours
  • Monitoring absenteeism rate
  • Monitoring types of absence
  • Monitoring the productivity of each employee
  • Etc.

Management of human resources and time tracking software: increase in productivity

The question of productivity is fundamental in a company. Even more so when there is heightened competitive pressure, as is the case in the construction sector, as well as in the energy, infrastructure and civil engineering sectors, etc.

To keep up with the competition there two solutions: reduce costs, and increase productivity.

A fully digital time management process enables efficient HR management while freeing up time for workers on site.

  • Workers and team leaders gain entire hours through single and fast inputting of the hours worked.
  • HR managers gain a considerable amount of time by avoiding duplicate inputting and processing of data. This time can then be allocated to taking strategic decisions, or to other tasks with high added value.

Furthermore, digital time tracking enables detailed and up-to-date analysis of productivity, which represents a considerable advantage in the management of a site, for example.

Beyond the HR department: benefits of digital time tracking software

In addition to the impact on the HR management of workers, time tracking software also enables extremely close monitoring of labour costs.

In the case of a mobile workforce, as in the construction or energy sectors, this rigorous financial monitoring is a guaranteed competitive advantage.

This illustrates well the key role of HR management of workers in a company. Data related to human resources is vital, and this at all levels and in all departments of the company.

Discover the Time Tracking Software for the construction industry

Construction resource management software
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