The Construction Barometer 2023

The construction industry was forced to navigate through periods of unprecedented upheaval and transformation, profoundly changing the landscape for the years to come.

What are these profound changes, and how can we respond to them?

Traxxeo takes stock with the Construction Barometer 2023, a whitepaper which aims at offering a comprehensive overview of the sector, exploring namely :

➡️The unprecedented challenges of recent years (crises, inflation, labor shortages, etc.)

➡️The challenges that lie ahead (productivity, resource management, staff retention, etc.)

➡️The solutions which can be implemented as of now (process optimization, digitalization, etc.)

The barometer in practice

The document is based on the findings of a survey of over 500 construction companies conducted by an independent consultancy firm, enriched by the testimonials of 8 major players in our industry and clear graphics illustrating the trends identified.

In all, some forty pages offering a clear, objective and exhaustive view of the current state of our industry to its managers and professionals.

The Construction Barometer 2023 is available in French and Duch via the links below:

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