Staff absence management software: optimum planning of leave and absences

Manage holiday requests, plan absences and get a clear view of staff availability.

The advantages of managing leaves and absences
with Traxxeo

Benefit from centralised management of sick leave, authorised leave, training, paid leave and all other types of absence in a single, intuitive tool.

An up-to-date calendar view of employee absences

  • All your staff’s absences on a calendar view by day, week, month…
  • Management of absence types and leave requests
  • Centralised absence planning, for a clear view of availability

More responsive HR management

  • Real-time absence planning updates
  • Collaborative management in a single tool
  • Adjust planning without delay in the event of unforeseen absence

From SMEs to large groups, a solution for companies of all sizes

  • A comprehensive time management platform suited for large groups
  • Simple leave and absence management module for SMEs
  • A modular platform that adapts to your needs

The calendar view, for easy management of absence planning

Get optimum visibility of employee absences. By the day, by the week or by the month… plan your leave and absences with ease, thanks to a comprehensive, customised view.

The different views allow you to manage absence schedules easily, for short or longer periods. Easily drag and drop the type of absence you want to plan directly into the calendar view and adjust the duration with one click!

Absence management software tailored to field teams

As an employer, do you have many employees working in the field? Put an end to inappropriate HR tools.

Simplify your human resources management with Traxxeo's leave management tool, with its simple and intuitive interface.

Discover its advanced features for managing absences and leaves:

  • Approve or refuse a leave request in one click
  • Plan a new absence quickly using drag & drop
  • Go from a precise daily view to a global view over 6 months, in just one click
  • Add comments, manage absence status... in a single, collaborative tool
  • Simplify your managers' day-to-day work

As a manager, do you need to keep a constant eye on your teams' schedules? Now it's much easier with Traxxeo:

  • Quickly and easily approve or reject holiday requests from employees under your responsibility
  • Easily view the schedules of your team members
  • Monitor absence management in real time
  • Get up-to-date data on absenteeism rates
  • Ensure perfect planning management, thanks to an up-to-date view of your staff's availability

With Traxxeo's absence management software, you can manage your field staff more easily and with greater peace of mind!

Simplified management for your HR managers and scheduling staff

Managing the HR of mobile employees can be a real headache. Who is absent, who is present? Who will be in training next week? Traxxeo offers a tailored solution for easily monitoring the schedules of your employees, temporary workers and subcontractors.

The absence management tool enables you to identify your employees' availability at a glance. Planned absences, sick leave, training, public holidays, compensatory rest... get a single view of your employees' presence and absence.

Would you like to report on the workforce requirements of your projects, and allocate staff accordingly? It couldn't be easier: the Traxxeo platform also offers a complete module dedicated to planning, with a host of functions.

1. Absence management
2. Advanced features
3. Keep an eye
4. Simplified management

Master your human resources management with Traxxeo

Discover HR management tools designed for users. Drawing on its professional expertise, Traxxeo has developed time management tools tailored to the HR management of mobile teams. Its advanced features will help alleviate the workload for your HR teams and operational staff, while promoting a better social environment.

Our expertise

Frequently Asked Questions

Managing employee absence can be a complex task for businesses, particularly those with mobile employees. To manage absences effectively, it is important to have a solid schedule that is regularly updated. Of course, you need to keep track of the types of absence per person, but you also need to keep an overall view of staff absences, to ensure that you maintain sufficient availability.
Sick leave, paid leave, maternity/paternity leave… organising staff leave requires meticulous planning. To achieve this, it is important to consider the needs and wishes of employees, while also taking into account the constraints associated with running the business. Once the objectives and constraints have been clearly defined, the planner can begin to draw up the leave schedule. Dedicated leave management software is available for this purpose, such as Traxxeo’s online tool, which allows you to make a leave request, check the number of days of leave available and approve/refuse requests with a single click.
To draw up a holiday and absence plan, you first need to assess the contractor’s needs and make sure that the holiday dates chosen suit the majority of employees. Once you have defined your staffing requirements, you can create the schedule by allocating holidays and absences fairly, considering the constraints associated with the period. Managers can then approve or reject employees’ leave.
Every contractor has its own needs when it comes to managing staff holidays. When choosing holiday management software, it’s important to consider your specific needs and ensure that the software meets them. You also need to ensure that the software you choose is easy to use and offers intuitive features to help you manage and plan your employees’ holiday schedules effectively. For mobile employees, Traxxeo offers a complete and tailored holiday management solution. The request can be submitted through the mobile app from any location. Scheduling is then carried out using the simple, intuitive online platform.

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