How to use digitisation to optimise your worksite resources

How to use digitisation to optimise your worksite resources

Introduction Of The General Problem

The construction sector is well known for its potential to digitize many processes. The graph in this slide shows that for many internal processes, only ~15% of the companies are using fully digital processes. This number has greatly evolved in the past years. The rest are using paper documents, PDF, excels.. Leading to numerous issues 

Introduction Of The General Problem TRAXXEO

Using paper documents, PDF files and Excel spreadsheets to store vital site data means that this information is static, prone to errors and difficult to interpret across different scales. Any follow-ups that are required are either very time-consuming and inefficient to conduct, or sometimes don’t even take place at all. 

5 Steps To Increase Construction Phase Performance

5 Steps To Increase Construction Phase Performance

A couple of essential steps need to be perfectly managed in order to keep the worksite budgets under control.

Resource planning

Construction companies inherently use numerous resources and the associated planning is always a challenge due to the presence of multiple worksites and evolution of the resources that are needed during a project. The types of resources typically used include personnel, machines, vehicles and tools. Finding strategies and software to manage them in an optimal way is key to creating transparency on utilization, allocation, and costs, and also for avoiding bottlenecks during a project.An effective planning tool – which is evolutive and uses graphical representations and pre-filled forms – can be used by central resources and worksite teams to promote collaboration and visibility on the forecasted work.

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