2020 for a construction software publisher: how Traxxeo has supported the digitalisation of the construction industry.

2020 was certainly a special year. For the construction industry, the health crisis has highlighted new challenges. Amongst them, the major acceleration of digitalisation. This crisis led to the acknowledgement within the sector of the importance of rapid decision-making based on recent and accurate data. Thus, data collection in the field has become a crucial issue. Throughout the year, Traxxeo has fully supported construction professionals during this unprecedented digitalisation.  

Being a specialised publisher of construction software in 2020 entailed a great deal of work to identify future major challenges. Traxxeo has responded to the situation by developing new solutions, while strengthening existing ones. Its teams have adapted to the crisis while remaining focused on Traxxeo’s core business: the digitalisation of the management of site resources in order to increase their productivity.

New Apps, new functionalities.

Since its creation, Traxxeo has been building the future of site human and material resource management, to ensure on-site productivity whilst increasing efficiency at the central office. Traxxeo continues to listen to its customers in order to identify their priority needs. This year, new solutions and functionalities have been developed to meet these needs, which have become increasingly important since the beginning of the pandemic. 

Therefore, our Track & Trace, Digital Timesheets, Presence Control, Document Management, CheckIn@Work, Access Control, Resources Planning, Transport App and Field Reporting solutions have evolved significantly! 

Traxxeo's Apps: Digital Timesheet – Presence control – Reports – Inventory 
Document management – Geolocation, IoT

Supporting construction professionals is our priority

To support professionals in the digitalisation of the sector, our teams have produced specialised content. This year we hosted 14 webinars (thanks again to Didier Cartage, General Manager of ADEB-VBA, and Lydia Peeters, Belgian Minister of Mobility and Public Transport) and produced 14 articles on developing solutions for the industry’s main issues. We also organised numerous collaborative workshops, more than 650 customer meetings, training courses, video conferences, and numerous site visits… Throughout the year, we have remained as close as possible to our customers and their challenges. 

We would like to thank our customers for their trust during this special year as well as those who have chosen to start or strengthen their collaboration with Traxxeo. Special thanks to Eiffage, Engie, Besix, Six Construct (Besix Middle-East), Sendin, Cougnaud, CFE, Thomas & Piron, Verelst, Lixon, Veolia, Strabag, ISG, MACE, Newelec (EDF) and many others. Our partners enable us to aim for a growth in turnover of more than 50% in 2021. 

To meet the strong demand for adapted solutions, Traxxeo has increased its workforce by 50% in 2020. These new members joined a team of digital and construction experts, focused on sharing experience to intelligently solve the sector’s issues.  

During this year of health crisis, Traxxeo has strengthened its support for professionals in its traditional market, the Benelux, while expanding internationally with a focus on France, Switzerland, Spain and the Middle East.

2021: new year, new ambitions.

2020 has come to an end, bringing us different learnings for the year to come. 2021 will be different because we are now better prepared. Construction compagnies are now aware of the challenges to overcome. They can prepare themselves, while Traxxeo intends to continue to support them.  

In 2021, Traxxeo will continue to develop its solutions and strengthen its presence in its preferred markets of Benelux, France, Switzerland and Spain. International development will also continue in the European market and beyond. The core business, the management of resources in construction and related industries, will remain unchanged. 

To meet the new needs of existing and new markets, the Traxxeo team will continue to grow. The main objective being to strengthen customer service, while developing more tailored solutions. Priority will be given to the modules delivering the most value to our customers, as we will continue to actively listen to them.  2021 will therefore be a year full of new ambitions, while remaining connected to our core business and our fundamental values, such as customer focus and operational excellence, thanks to a strong team and a growing ecosystem of partners!

Traxxeo 2020's team
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