Time and Activity Management (TAM), at the heart of human resources
From time tracking to absence planning, Time and Activity Management, or TAM, is an essential part of human resources management.
Mastering it is essential for any contractor wishing to offer a dynamic and innovative HR policy. This is what Traxxeo’s TAM software offers.

What is Time and Activity Management (TAM) ?
In the field of HR, Time and Activity Management, or TAM, refers to the organisation of working hours for staff, whether employees, temporary workers or subcontractors. It falls into two main categories: planning and monitoring.
In business, Time and Activity Management means determining how to allocate time and HR resources in the best possible way, in order to achieve the objectives set in advance.
TAM is also an essential tool for financial managers tasked with overseeing productivity and analysing profitability.
Digital Time and Activity Management

Managing working hours
Time and Activity Management (TAM) fundamentally revolves around the management of working hours. Traxxeo offers a complete digital time management suite for companies wishing to centralise their time management on a single platform.
Automate the calculation of overtime, hours with increased rate, compensatory rest, travel allowances… and avoid human errors while relieving your HR and payroll teams.
Manage absences and schedules, and easily compare planned activities with those actually carried out. Manage your employees, temporary workers and subcontractors with a single TAM tool.

Activity monitoring
Activity monitoring is an essential tool for TAM and financial management, enabling you to analyse team productivity and company profitability.
Traxxeo’s time clock application allows you to clock in and out by task. Budgets for hours ‘consumed’ are then allocated to cost centers, representing specific projects or tasks. This activity monitoring enables you to control the hours worked per project or per task, in order to control the associated budgets.
The resulting budgets are then compared with the forecasts and, if necessary, corrective measures can be taken without delay.
Digital timesheets
In the field, time recording must be swift for employees, so as not to interfere with their tasks. It also has to be reliable, and this is where paper timesheets and Excel sheets show their limitations.
Traxxeo offers digital timesheets for daily, weekly, monthly use, by individual, by team… all available in a single mobile application. Discover simple and complete data entry, even offline.
The validation chain guarantees the reliability of the reported hours, before the data is fed back into the HR platform in real time. Overtime, travel, meal vouchers… get an up-to-date view of working hours and other variable pay elements.
Time clocks and badge readers
Digital timesheets are not the only way to record hours with Traxxeo. The mobile time clock application can be coupled with a system of badge readers (RFID, mechanical, QR code scanner, …).
For smaller, time-limited projects, or for intervention teams, Traxxeo also offers a virtual badge reader, directly in the application. This means that employees can clock in and out directly with their team leader.
Traxxeo’s time clock application offers a flexible, easy-to-use system that is suitable for all field teams.
Personnel planning
Leave and absence management
Managing absences is an essential step in planning schedules and preparing payrolls, but it is not always easy when staff are geographically dispersed.
Paid leave, reduced working hours, authorised and unauthorised absences, training, sickness, etc. Traxxeo’s absence management tool offers a complete view of staff availability and flexible absence management.
Navigate from a daily to a weekly or monthly view… and easily manage employee absences.
Digital Time and Activity Management, for better activity steering
In companies, TAM is an important HR management tool, whatever the sector of activity or the size of the organisation.
Implementing a digital Time and Activity Management solution helps to answer some key strategic questions:
- How can I improve my workforce management?
- How satisfied are my employees?
- How can I ensure a reliable payroll, timely and accurate for all my teams?
- Are my subcontractors/temporary staff productive?
- How can I boost the performance of my teams and increase productivity by relieving them of repetitive tasks?
In short, Traxxeo’s Time and Activity Management software offers more flexible and responsive Time and Activity Management, for a more dynamic HR policy, better productivity monitoring and improved employee support.
Want to find out more ?
Discover all our high-performance solutions for your managers !
On-site resource management
On-site resource
- Join the MyLegalDocs network
- Simplify your CheckIn@Work
- Control attendance and access
- Ensure the compliance of your subcontractors
- Digitalise the worksite reception process
Monitoring material resources
material resources
- Easily allocate your equipment on site
- Monitor your fleet’s activity (geolocation, event tracking, badges, speeding)
- Automate data processing (site allocation, CO2 tax calculation, etc.)
- Optimise your fleet (utilisation rate reports, maintenance plan, etc.)