Presence checks to ensure the order and safety of workers

The advantages of worksite presence monitoring with Traxxeo
Manage presence in real time
- Global view of the presence of your employees, temporary workers and subcontractors
- Data accessible to site supervisors in the field from their smartphone or tablet
- Option of clocking in using an RFID badge, QR reader, ID card, BTP card, etc.
Ensure seamless compliance by your workers and subcontractors
- Checking the compliance of your workers, temps and subcontractors
- Automatic alerts for workers who are out of order
- Access to all worker documents (Limosa, accreditation, driving license, health and safety training, etc.) from the mobile application
Benefit from a comprehensive resource management platform
- 100% compatible with Traxxeo’s Check in At Work management solution
- Bidirectional synchronisation of the necessary data with your social security organisation, if required
- 100% compatible with other Traxxeo platform modules (time tracking, planning, document management, etc.)
View the list of worksite presence in real time
Check the administrative status of your employees, temps and subcontractors at a glance
When you have to manage several projects on different sites, keeping an overview of the administrative order of each employee is as difficult as it is essential. With Traxxeo's presence control system, you can check that your personnel are compliant at a glance. You also retain control over the administrative structure of your subcontracting chain, avoiding any risk of sanctions or fines in the event of a social security inspectionAccess accreditations, driving licenses, training courses... and all the administrative documents for a worker
Traxxeo's mobile application offers you much more than presence control. No matter your location, accessing any employee's administrative documents is straightforward. Check for accreditation or authorisation to drive, check that the worker has received health and safety training... or check that the worker is in good administrative order.A single application for checking presence and monitoring working hours
It's possible to monitor presence and accurately record working hours in a single application! With Traxxeo, you can also keep precise track of the hours worked by your site staff.
No more paper or Excel timesheets. Your employees can easily enhance their clocking hours with details of tasks performed, travel, meal vouchers, etc., thereby simplifying the calculation of overtime, travel allowances, and so on.
They then benefit from a reliable and timely payroll, making the work of payroll and human resources easier and promoting a better social climate.
Master your human resources management with Traxxeo
Discover HR management tools designed for users. Drawing on its professional expertise, Traxxeo has developed time management tools tailored to the HR management of mobile teams. Its advanced features will help alleviate the workload for your HR teams and operational staff, while promoting a better social environment.
An in-depth platform for administrative management
Do you also want to simplify administrative management for your central managers? No problem at all. The Traxxeo platform offers an advanced solution for managing administrative files, based on artificial intelligence. Transform your PDF, JPEG, PNG... documents into intelligent data with one click. Be alerted to any necessary and/or missing documents by worker profile and take action without delay. Take advantage of the many filters available and advanced features such as automatic monitoring of expiry dates, for simpler, more worry-free administrative management.Presence control, a question of prevention and safety on the worksite
A construction site is one of the most dangerous places to work. When untrained individuals are present, the risk of accidents is considerably increased. It is therefore essential to monitor and control the administrative order and safety training. Rigorous monitoring of workers' presence and administrative compliance is an important preventive lever for improving the safety of worksite personnel.Our expertise
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