Digital timesheets: time tracking for your field teams

No more paper sheets, Excel files or other unsuitable software. With Traxxeo, your field staff can easily report their tasks, working hours, holidays, absences and other information required for payroll.

Your HR and payroll managers can track performance easily and in real time.

Experience clocking in and out that is:

  • Quick and easy for your field teams
  • Complete and error-free for your HR and payroll managers

The advantages of digital timesheets
with Traxxeo

Access timesheets wherever you are. On a tablet, smartphone or computer, take advantage of a simple time clock for all your staff in the field. The web portal facilitates swift processing for your HR managers and payroll administrators.

Timesheets adapted to the terrain

  • Accessible everywhere: offline mode, available on tablet, smartphone and computer
  • Comprehensive clocking: by task, by trip, by meal voucher, etc.
  • Fast data entry: lists, cut and paste, pre-fill…

Rapid processing of hours worked

  • Real-time reporting of hours worked
  • Management by anomalies
  • Numerous management filters

A 360° view. An anomaly?
Act without delay!

  • Real-time view of working hours and presence
  • Automatic alerts
  • More responsive HR management!

The mobile application, a new way to record your field teams’ hours.

Have you tried paper timesheets, Excel timesheets, or generic time clock software… unsuccessfully? Discover a time clock application designed for worksite teams and on the move.

Your employees or team leaders can easily enter start and end times of work and the number of hours worked. Copy and paste, intelligent pre-filling and input aids mean you can clock in and out quickly.

Complete recording of working hours and absences

Traxxeo's time clock application lets you specify the task performed, travel, meal vouchers, etc. or add a comment, for a structured and complete time clock system. Unexpected absence? No problem, the worksite time clock app also allows for recording absences and uploading them in real-time.

Daily, weekly or monthly timesheets... designed for the worksite and the field

Traxxeo's mobile time clock application offers a range of virtual timesheets to meet the needs of projects of all sizes: timesheets by person and by day, timesheets by team, by week, etc.

Designed for worksite teams, all timesheets offer dedicated functions such as offline time clocking, integration of the project cost structure, and a multiple validation circuit system with different validator roles.

Whether you're a worker, a team leader or a site supervisor, everyone has the right view of times and activities.

Digital timesheets available online and offline

On the worksite or during an intervention, teams don't always have a good enough connection. Traxxeo's digital timesheets allow employees to record their activities, even offline. Hours can therefore be logged from any location. The hours worked are then sent to human resources as soon as possible, to be processed in the online platform.

Improve responsiveness in managing working time

Get a 360° view of your teams' presence and working hours. Arrived safely? A problem on the road, bad weather? Your staff in the field can alert you immediately of their arrival or of any unforeseen circumstances. View in real time:
  • Presence and absence
  • Hours worked per person, per team, per project, per employer, etc.
  • Time clocking anomalies or unexpected absences
  • Productivity of your teams by project, by task, etc.
  • Overtime, night hours...
So keep a constant eye on the situation and react immediately if a problem arises!
1. Complete recording
2. Weekly or monthly timesheets
3. Available online
4. Improve responsiveness

Master your human resources management with Traxxeo

Discover HR management tools designed for users. Drawing on its professional expertise, Traxxeo has developed time management tools tailored to the HR management of mobile teams. Its advanced features will help alleviate the workload for your HR teams and operational staff, while promoting a better social environment.

Ensure reliable, timely payroll for all your employees

Traxxeo's digital timesheets provide immediate feedback on hours worked. Your HR staff and payroll administrators get an up-to-date view of all your services and can see the total hours worked at a glance. The HR platform offers an intuitive interface for easy processing of variable payroll elements (calculation of overtime, travel allowances, meals, etc.).

Improve the accuracy of your activity tracking

When hours are reported on a paper or Excel timesheet, it's easy for information to get lost. Traxxeo allows you to accurately track the hours of employees, temporary workers and subcontractors, for detailed and reliable activity monitoring. Track the performance of your employees, check the performance of your temporary workers, monitor the working hours of your subcontractors... and compare activities with contractor objectives. Digital timesheets also allow you to track other key HR indicators such as absenteeism rates, workforce category breakdowns, etc.

Increase the responsiveness of your financial monitoring of the various construction sites

By having instant access to hours worked per person and per workstation, you can increase the accuracy of your estimates by improving the quality of the data analysed. Precise financial monitoring of labour budgets by project and by cost center means you can make better decisions in your construction site management.
1. Reliable payroll
2. Activity tracking
3. Increase the responsiveness

6 features that make all the difference

Processes for collecting, analysing and checking field data

Offline mode for optimal, permanent use on site

Control function with signature adapted to your current process

Customised content tailored to your own payroll processes

Pre-filling of hours and days from the schedule or previous days

Easily add new workers and copy repetitive activities

Our expertise

Frequently Asked Questions

To keep accurate records of working hours, it is important to keep up-to-date timesheets. These must contain at least the following information: the name of the employer, the surname and first name of the employee, the date and the number and type of hours worked (normal hours, overtime, etc.). Timesheets can be filled in directly by the employee or by the team leader. Traxxeo’s digital timesheets offer a quicker and more accurate method for entering working hours from the field, surpassing the reliability of paper or Excel timesheets

To calculate the number of hours worked manually, you must first ensure that the timesheets collected are filled in correctly. Next, you need to calculate the difference between the arrival time and the departure time for each working day, subtracting break times. Once you have obtained the number of hours worked for each day, you can add up the hours and obtain the total number of hours worked over the period. For a more reliable and accurate calculation, it’s a good idea to use digital timesheets. Traxxeo offers a solution that is 100% suited to mobile teams.
Overtime is time worked in addition to the normal working hours. In the building and public works (BPW) / construction sector, the calculation of overtime is strictly governed by the applicable collective agreement. To calculate overtime, you need to compare the employee’s record of hours worked over the week with the number of working hours per week under the employee’s working hours scheme. Compensation for overtime may be financial, in the form of additional pay, or non-financial, with increased compensatory rest. By enabling precise monitoring of overtime, Traxxeo ensures fair pay for all and fosters a better social climate.

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